API Reference

This page will help you get started with the Entuitive Workforce and Contractor Compliance APIs.


To start using Entuitive APIs, you first need to get an API Key. For authentication documentation, please navigate to the Authentication section.

Visit the API Endpoints section to get the UAT and Production environment API Endpoints.

API Versioning

We use versioning to keep our APIs stable. Currently all our APIs use /v1. If we make major changes in the future, we'll introduce a new version (like /v2) while keeping /v1 backward compatible.

Rate Limits

To ensure fair usage and maintain the stability of our service, we enforce rate limits on API requests. Currently, the rate limit is set to 60 requests per minute for each client IP and company.

If you exceed this limit, you will receive a 429 Too Many Requests response, and you should wait before making additional requests.

HTTP Status Codes

Status CodeReasonWhen You'll See It
200SuccessSuccessful GET, PUTand PATCH requests
201CreatedSuccessful POST requests indicating resource creation
401UnauthorizedRevoked or Invalid API Key
400Bad RequestMalformed request or incorrect parameters
404Not FoundResource Not Found
429Too Many RequestsThe number of requests has reached the limit within a specified period.
500Internal Server ErrorSomething went wrong on Entuitive Servers

Error Format

When any API returns 400 status code, the response will include a JSON object containing all the relevant error information.

    "errors": {
        "email": [
            "The email has already been taken."